What to Expect
Service time is Sundays at 10:00am
Bible Teaching | We teach the bible passage by passage, one book at a time. We let the Bible speak for itself and then offer practical ways to apply it to your life. This is because the Bible is God’s word, inspired, infallible, profitable—all 66 books of it. The preacher’s job is to minimize his own opinions and deliver the truth of God.
Parking | There is plenty of parking in our three lots surrounding the church, plus on-street parking. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early to park and make your way to the sanctuary. We’ll be excited to greet you with grace & love, waiting to help you find your way and answer any questions.
The Service | Services are around ninety minutes. Our culture is gospel-saturated, Christ-centric, loving and encouraging. We’ll focus together on Christ through prayer, singing songs of worship, learning from the Bible and remembering the Lord’s death through communion.
Children | Children are a JOY to us! They are welcome to stay with families in the service or children through third grade will be dismissed after singing together for a special time of bible learning. The nursery and preschool is open during the entire service. For safety, they will need to be checked in/out.