Like father, like son: IMB missionary takes over parents’ rural ministry
Bill helps people in a village retrieve water. He was involved in this rural ministry for almost 16 years. How, his son Daniel continues the work among Northern African and Middle Eastern Peoples. IMB Photo
By Chris Doyle
Children often take over a family business their parents started. This isn’t uncommon.
For a son or daughter to relieve their parents in international ministry, though, can be a rare occurrence.
International Mission Board missionaries Bill and Phyllis were involved in rural ministry for 16 years but are now retiring. God made it possible for their son, Daniel, to take over the work, in 2023.
Bill and Phyllis served Northern African and Middle Eastern people groups by providing access to water in areas where it is desperately needed. Bill was a successful businessman in the United States, but he left his company in 2009 to serve in this part of the world that features many unreached people groups. Continue reading here.