Calvary Monthly (June ‘22)
Family Meeting
The next Family Meeting for covenant members is Sunday, June 5th directly after the morning worship service.
Summer Connect: June
2nd & 4th Mondays - Quilting 11:30a @ Calvary Fellowship Hall
Tuesdays - Open House 10:30a @ Hawkins
Thursdays - Picnic in the Park 5:45p @ Lake Lowell, Caldwell side
4th - Men’s breakfast 9am @ Sarah’s Bagels, Nampa
6th/20th - Public Reading of Scripture/Potluck 5:30p @ Calvary
11th - Free Fishing Day 8am @ Anderson Ranch Reservoir
22nd - Fire Pit 7p @ Snyders
If you don't have a vinyl Calvary sticker yet, be sure to grab one off of the table in the foyer. They look great on your car, notebooks, water bottles, etc.!
Missing something? Be sure to check the Lost & Found crate next to the info table in the Fellowship Hall.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." Ps. 127:1. In view of our total dependence on the Lord to build His church, we must be a people of prayer. Join us any or every Thursday morning from 6a-7a.
You can submit prayer requests and praises to be shared each week to