Calvary Monthly (April ‘22)
We’re Back!
We are re-launching our “Calvary Weekly” posts, only now as a “Calvary Monthly”. You can count on these monthly posts to deliver a summary of what is coming in the upcoming weeks. You can view it from our website and social media posts or subscribe to have it delivered to your email inbox at the bottom of this page! If you ever have any suggestions for what we share let us know. Enjoy!
Easter Sunday
Join us as we celebrate our risen Savior!
April 15 - Good Friday Service 7pm
April 17 - Sunrise Service (Moved to Church) 6:30am
Pancake Breakfast 9am
Worship 10am
The men of Calvary Nampa are in charge of breakfast preparation for Easter morning. Many hands make light work! Please let Anders or Butch know if you would like to help.
Volunteer for Boise Harvest
Inspire hope in many lives with your gifts by volunteering at the Boise Harvest. Find out how here!
Community Groups
It’s not too late to take part in a Community Group. Groups will be meeting through the last week of May. This is a great time to connect with others over a meal and studying the Word. Tuesdays are at Joy Kelley’s, Wednesdays at the Hawkins and Thursdays at Linda Snydals. Contact the office for more information.
If you don't have a vinyl Calvary sticker yet, be sure to grab one off of the table in the foyer. They look great on your car, notebooks, water bottles, etc.!
Missing something? Be sure to check the Lost & Found crate next to the info table in the Fellowship Hall.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." Ps. 127:1. In view of our total dependence on the Lord to build His church, we must be a people of prayer. Join us any or every Thursday morning from 6a-7a.
You can submit prayer requests and praises to be shared each week to