Ministry Traits

Healthy Families | We are committed to encouraging and equipping families to more fully love and honor God, more faithfully love and serve one another, and more intentionally pursue God’s mission in their neighborhood, city, and world.

Diverse Community | At both the leadership level and within the congregation, Calvary seeks to reflect the makeup of the surrounding community ethnically, economically, and intergenerationally.

God-Centered Worship | Our desire is to be a church where every believer experiences the sovereign grace of the Father, wholeheartedly treasures Jesus, and expresses their adoration of God individually and corporately through the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Expositional Preaching | We believe that expositional preaching is important because God’s Word alone is what convicts, converts, builds up, and sanctifies God’s people.

Biblical Theology | We are committed to proclaiming, embracing, and living out the full counsel of God’s redemptive message as revealed to us in the Scriptures.

Missional Living | We see our webs of relationships as our primary mission field but also desire to respond to God’s call across the globe to participate in the work He is doing.

Shepherd Leadership | We are committed to leading people and our community toward health and vitality through humble, caring, biblical shepherd leadership.

Authentic Relationships | We are committed to becoming a community marked by Christ-like love and service to one another.

Disciple-Making | We will exhort our members to grow in holiness and encourage one another to that end.

Read Welcome to the Family to learn more about the Calvary Family of Churches approach to ministry and mission.

Family Ministry Philosophy

We believe God has given families a tremendous privilege and responsibility as the primary disciple-makers of their children to know, love and serve Jesus.

In Deuteronomy 6:1-9, God provides his people with a clear call and strategy in which a child’s home, not their church, is the center of their spiritual life.

It is not easy! However, God has not called families to this adventure alone. We as a church are called to come alongside each family to encourage and equip them in anyway we can.